Sunday, September 14, 2008

Studying, Sunday September 7th 

Kristel and I really have a lot to do, especially for the Spanish class of Dr. Cohen. We also want to drop a course, which is very interesting but way too much work. Kristel and I had to figure that out.

Regarding classes; I think Kristel already told you about our sweet Spanish professor. He origianlly comes from Argentina and is just awesome and cute, a hottie! Nearly all the girls in our class think that. He also asked Kristel and I if we wanted to work for the Rider Radiostation where we have to play some Austrian music, interview some people on what they think of Austria (not: Australia) etc. I think that’s a great oppotunity that we shouldn’t miss out.


1 comment:

Susi said...

fabulous! radio alex! that's what's missing back in austria! ;)