Sunday, September 14, 2008

NEW YORK CITY – Saturday, August 30th

Trip to New York with Linda Materna, the chairperson of the foreign language department, Barry, a prof of politics and Harry Naar, a prof for arts. We were all – the Austrians and the Frenchies, kind of tired, because we had stayed up very late, and some of us didn’t feel well- the reason, well I don’t know the reason. Anyway, we went to New York City. First we enjoyed the portraits or art in the Metropolitan Museum or „Metro“, where Harry guided us through. Then we walked down 5th Ave, passed the Central Park, the Rockerfeller Center, Madison Square Garden, the Trump Tower and the Times Square. What to say? AWESOME. Unfortunately, we ran out of time so we couldn’t see everthing. But at least we got some impressions of the „Big Apple“.

After the entire day walking around, we were pretty exhausted. I could hardly keep my eyes open. Back home, in our dorms almost starving, we were served pizza- again. After chatting with some people, I finally went to bed.

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