Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Jaywalking with the Irish


In this chapter the children started their schooling in Ireland, with topics of private and state schooling or the question of wearing school uniforms or not.
As I have been dealing with the schooling system in England and Ireland for two semesters, I really do not wanna get into this too much again, because I actually cannot hear it anymore. (Sorry!)


In this chapter was that David had to admit his search for work is rather unsuccessfull than anythingelse. We also got to know the three stages of the Irish drunk. For those, who don't know what I’m talking about, here we go: the peacock, the monkey and the pig. (“They all start as peacocks and turn into mnkeys
and the pig comes rrooting around after”)Probably because of his problems finding a job, most of the chapter is set in the “Hi-B pub”.

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