In this chapter David Monagan talks about the four- day jazz fesival in Cork,
which is the “mother of all Irish parties”. It takes place every year at the end of October, and the city turns into a carnival where 50.000 visitors come to hear the offerings of 1000 musicians.
Then the Monagan’s decided to celebrate- after being three months inot their adventure, with a trip to a place in County Kerry called Sneem. They enjoyed the tranquil and peaceful area and savoured the spectacular vista of the mountains. They passed a sixteen- foot, steinlessstell tree sculpture with the sign: “The Way the Fairies Went”. This was a gift of Israel’s president. Apart from that we get more historical information, for instance when he writes about a church where under the altar is said to lay the reamins of one of the laziest and most outlandish priests in history of Kerry,
Father Michel Walsh. He rather prefered hunting than preaching sermons.
In this chapter David Monagan talks about the four- day jazz fesival in Cork,

Then the Monagan’s decided to celebrate- after being three months inot their adventure, with a trip to a place in County Kerry called Sneem. They enjoyed the tranquil and peaceful area and savoured the spectacular vista of the mountains. They passed a sixteen- foot, steinlessstell tree sculpture with the sign: “The Way the Fairies Went”. This was a gift of Israel’s president. Apart from that we get more historical information, for instance when he writes about a church where under the altar is said to lay the reamins of one of the laziest and most outlandish priests in history of Kerry,

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