Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A House Somewhere - Chapter 2

"A Home in Paradise"
by Isabel Allende


Since Isabel needed some free space, due to the divorce from her first husband, she accepted a two-month book tour through Europe and the United States. The last city on her journey was San Francisco, more precisely Marin County. There, during her reading William Gordon showed up. As he had read one of her books and liked it as well, he wanted to get to know Isabel closer. He took her around to show her the natural beauty of Marin County. To come to the point: they married.

Even though, it was in the nature of Isabel to travel around she ended up living in Marin County and grew roots in it. It took her a while to feel comfortable in the “Paradise”- that’s how she describes Marin County. However, she mastered to get accepted: she decided to learn English, to get a driver’s licence and to accept the customs. Finally, she adapted so well that she considers herself being a part of Marin County and definitely not feeling like an alien any more. It’s her home now and she loves it.

Isabel Allende: " ... I found the direct approach of Americans offensive. Their sense of time is so different! Time is gold: fast money, fast sex, fast food."

I really liked this story. Not only am I interested in the person of Isabel Allende, but also her writing style is funny, informative and descriptive at the same time. The excerpt of “A House in Paradise” was easy-and enjoyable to read. It’s really worth-reading.


ferocious (wild;grimmig): fierce and violent e.g: Women can be ferocious when they fall in love.

gracious (freundlich; gnädig; gütig): behaving in a pleasant, polite, calm way e.g.:He was gracious enough to thank me.

ambiguous (doppeldeutig; unklar):having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes intentionally
e.g.: His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous
oblique (verblümt; indirekt):describes remarks which are indirect, so that the real meaning is not immediately clear
e.g.:She made several oblique references to the current financial situation

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