The tour through the 140 year old brewery gives you an insight into the history, the brewing, the bottling, the worldwide communication, and the facts and figures about how many litres and how many people drink Heineken over the world.
In the end of “Heineken Experience” there’s the “SEE YOU AGAIN BAR”, where you can get your beer. There we got to know some Dutch men, who were celebrating a Bachelor party for one of those guys. “The-yet- bachelor” had to collect as many kisses on his shirt as possible, for which he got a beer. So they asked us if every one of us could give him a kiss. Well, as he was a goodlooker we didn’t refuse… Talking to them was just hilarious!
After this sweet coincidence with those guys it was already 8 p.m and we decided to get something to eat and to become sober again. (The 3 Heineken were strong!)

Pizzeria-here we come! Apparently, it was our day that day, because the boss and his employee were great fun- eating, drinking, and chatting! Could it become any better?
“Surely- Schnurli” as I prefer to say. When we got home I met some French guys, who were in Amsterdam to take part in a soccer tournament. Although my French “no est tres bien”, I managed to understand them or vice-versa.